Why I need It?

Your organization is currently encountering an increasing number of cyber threats that persistently search for weaknesses in your digital presence. Prominent incidents such as those involving SolarWinds, Capital One, and Colonial Pipeline have underscored the magnitude of destruction that these dangers can inflict. A successful cyber attack can result in significant and enduring consequences, including financial, operational, reputational, and regulatory repercussions. Nonetheless, it's crucial to bear in mind that there are practical solutions to tackle this problem.

We Have a solution

Ensure a robust cybersecurity posture through continuous monitoring with KI0DAY. By continuously monitoring your organization's risk level, as well as that of your supply chain, you can predict and tackle potential threats proactively. With the help of automated insights and timely alerts, you can feel confident in your security measures, reduce stress, and save time. Optimize your remediation efforts by utilizing the appropriate tools and focusing on the areas that need the most attention.

IoT device cyber risk

  • Do IoT devices matter to businesses?

    As the popularity of IoT devices continues to rise, businesses are finding ways to incorporate them into their day-to-day operations. Whether it's using smart thermostats or lights to conserve energy in their buildings or allowing employees to connect their personal IoT devices to the company network, these devices are becoming more and more common in the workplace.

    However, with this increase in IoT usage comes an increase in cybersecurity risks. While it may seem unlikely that a smartwatch could pose a threat to a company's security, recent studies have shown that even seemingly harmless devices can have hidden vulnerabilities that cybercriminals can exploit. It's important for businesses to be aware of these risks and take steps to mitigate them.

    By implementing strong security measures and staying vigilant, companies can ensure that their IoT devices are being used safely and securely.

  • IoT devices can wreak havoc on consumers and organizations

    A widely used GPS tracker for vehicles, MiCODUS, has been found to have six severe vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers. This can allow them to track individuals without their knowledge and even disable the vehicle. The technology is used by many organizations and industries, including law enforcement, military, and government agencies. It is crucial to be aware of the potential risks associated with everyday technologies and take appropriate precautions to protect ourselves and our organizations.

  • How to protect yourself (and your network)

    Organizations can take action against the potential threats posed by IoT devices. It's important to continuously monitor your entire attack surface, including your network of vendors, to stay aware of the latest vulnerabilities that could impact your network. One helpful technology to consider is a daily-updated view of your network, which can provide valuable insights without relying solely on vendor reports following a breach. Even seemingly insignificant IoT devices like the MiCODUS technology can pose risks, so it's wise to work with a data and analytics provider like KI0DAY to quickly identify any vulnerabilities that may arise.